WVD news of the week

WVD news of the week

Hi All, Welcome again to my weekly blogpost with all the wvd relevant news of this week. Let’s get started because it’s a logn list for this week. Belgium Windows Virtual Desktop User Group The first news is from myself with the announcement of the first BWVDUG virtual event. The event is planned on 29th…

WVD news of the week

WVD news of the week

Hi All, Welcome to my weekly wvd news of the week blogpost. Let’s get started with the latest news. Enable Azure Multi-Factor Authentication for Windows Virtual Desktop A new doc’s page was added to show how to enable MFA and conditional access policies for WVD. German WVD user group The German WVd user group had…

WVD news of the week

WVD news of the week

Hi All, Welcome to another weekly blogpost with all the latest update from WVD. Azure webinar seriesWindows Virtual Desktop Deployment Recommendations and Best Practices Christiaan Brinkhoff released a webinar around wvd. Quickstart Guide to Windows Virtual Desktop Ryan Mangan released his quickstart guid for WVD. Learn how to set up a secure, remote desktop experience…

WVD news of the week

WVD news of the week

Hi All, and welcome to my next weekly blogpost with all the lastest news from WVD. FastTrack for Azure now supports Windows Virtual Desktop FastTrack for Azure includes tailored guidance from Azure engineers using proven practices and architectural guides. The program has recently expanded to support Windows Virtual Desktop to further accelerate deployments. Update on…

WVD news of the week

WVD news of the week

Welcome everybody for this new blogpost with all the news from WVD. Alot of things got announced this week so let’s get started. The first announcement of the week is that Microsoft announced a new partner named Nasuni https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/partners#nasuni Windows Virtual Desktop Advanced Specialization Microsoft already announced a couple of advanced specializations for gold partners…

WVD news of the week

WVD news of the week

Hi and welcome to my weekly blogpost with all the news from WVD. Several exciting things were announced so let’s start! Desktops in the cloud initiative Christiaan Brinkhoff and Dean Cefola have release a teaser video about the new TechTalk about WVD. The first episode will be release shortly. All the info can found on…

WVD news of the week

WVD news of the week

Welcome to my next blogpost with all the latest news from WVD. As usual I gathered all trhe wvd news from this week. 1: An article was released about Multiple AD forests architecture with Windows Virtual Desktop. A Must read about this topic. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/example-scenario/wvd/multi-forest?_lrsc=e5db49b6-7e8d-4d9b-b580-ce8796d718e3 2: New connection gateway’s where added to reduce latency in the…

WVD news of the week

This friday is the last WVD news friday of the summer and these are the highlights from the world of WVD for this week. 1: New documentation has been released to Add language packs to a Windows 10 multi-session image. More detailed info about this can be found on the documentation page. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/language-packs 2: The…