WVD news of the week

This friday is the last WVD news friday of the summer and these are the highlights from the world of WVD for this week.

1: New documentation has been released to Add language packs to a Windows 10 multi-session image.

More detailed info about this can be found on the documentation page.


2: The new version of the Windows Desktop Client version 1.2.1272 has entered the production ring.


3: The new ARM templates are ready for the ARM-based Azure Resource Manager Windows Virtual Desktop WVD objects are available


4: This troubleshooting article is not from this week but I just noticed it on the WVD documentation page.

For all info about this article > https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/troubleshoot-set-up-issues

5: The new version 10.2.1522 of the Windows Store Client went GA

You can find all the info using the following link.


6: Nerdio has launched the Nerdio Tech Insider community program. All info about this can be found here https://www.linkedin.com/posts/basvankaam_introducing-nerdio-tech-insider-community-activity-6704665899581886464-9fE9/

7: The Azure CLI has now been updated to support Windows Virtual Desktop (az desktopvirtualization) to further enable WVD automation:


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