Hi All,
Welcome to my weekly blog. Let’s start with the news of this week because it’s a nice list again.
How to Make Your 1,000+ User Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Deployment Highly Available
Bas van Kaam has written an article focussing on your WVD environment combined with Nerdio.
Project Biceps WVD deployment
Freek Berson has uploaded all the Biceps code that he created for WVD.
What’s new in the Windows Desktop client
The Windows Desktop has been updated.
MSIX App Attach 7 Apps from 1 single container
Freek Berson released a nice video to attach 7 applications using 1 container.
Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop Public Preview
Microsoft released the public preview for Azure Monitor for WVD. This will help alot to monitor the health of your WVD hostpool.
Use Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop to monitor your deployment (preview)
Microsoft added a doc’s page for the Azure Monitor for WVD.
Dark Mode for WVD/RD client for Android
Sandeep Patnaik released a tease picture about the new feature coming for the Android WVD app.
What’s new in Windows Virtual Desktop?
The what’s new in WVD page has been updated this week.
Azure Monitor for WVD in Public Preview video from Travis Roberts
Travis Roberts recorded a video and walks you through the new feature from WVD.
A Introduction to MSIX App attach
The new book of Ryan Mangan A Introduction to MSIX App attach is gonna release on the 7th of december.
![A Introduction to MSIX App attach: Dynamic Application Delivery by [Ryan Mangan]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41oZMR--dAL.jpg)
Windows Virtual Desktop Workshop: 1 Year since general availability
The 1 Year since GA event of WVD was today.
Desktops in the cloud Episode 9: RDP Protocol improvements and RDP Shortpath deep-dive with Denis Gundarev, WVD PM
A new episode of Desktops in the Cloud was released with this episode special guest Denis Gundarew who talked about RDP protocol improvements and RDP shortpath
That’s it for this week WVD news of the week, so you all next week and enjoy the weekend.