Hi Everybody,
It’s friday again so indeed time for all the latest wvd news of the week.
New WVD User Groups
Some new user groups have been created.

More IOPS at no additional cost for Azure Files premium tier
Effective immediately, all premium shares get an input/output per second (IOPS) uplift for free. This will benefit FSLogix that are hosted on Azure Files alot for performance.

Windows Virtual Desktop uservoice website
Microsoft published a website where you can go to and submit a suggestion to omprove the wvd service.

MSIX – Using the Bulk Conversion Scripts
Ingmar Oosterhoff, a Modern Workplace Customer Engineer at Microsoft has released a very nice article how we can set up our machine so we can do batch conversion of our application installers into MSIX packages.

Updates on WVDAdmin
Marcel Meurer is updating WVDAdmin all the time.
- added an eXpErImEnTaL feature to WVDAdmin to install thousands of apps to session hosts with a click
- He also added some secret features for WVDAdmin for wvd

Azure Academy video on RDP Shortpath
Dean Cefola released his video about RDP Shortpath
Microsoft meets Community: Windows Virtual Desktop Even – XXL Edition
Christiaan Brinkhoff announced that we almost have 1000 registrations for this next community event. If you haven’t done so go and register now!!!

Project Bicep
Freek Berson added a good tip on Twitter for Prject Biceps version 0.2.59.

WVD webclient update
The support for Microphone is in preview.

MSIX Ready
On https://www.advancedinstaller.com/ you can find alot of application wich all compatible with MSIX. Go and check it out.

ARM Teplates or HashiCorp Terraform
Zachary Deptawa has written a very nice blogpost about these possible ways to infra on Azure and also WVD.

MSIX Packaging fundamentals
Tim Mangan, Bogdan Mitrache and Kevin Kaminski have published an ebook about MSIX. A must read!

That’s it for this week, have a nice weekend and see you next week!