Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week. the second of november 2021. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Mastering Azure Virtual Desktop
This week Ryan Mangan announced ht enew book he authored. In this book you’ll will learn everything you need to know to implement and manage AVD.
FSLogix Hotfix
Microsoft released a hotfix for FSLogix. It is recommended that if you are using CloudCache or Windows 11 to upgrade.

Az.Avd powershell module
Sander Rozemuller released the next version of the AVD powershell module. Version 2.0 now no longer needs any other module.

AVD Azure Virtual Desktop Patching Issue while Using SCCM WSUS for Patching
Anoop released a blog explaining how to fix a patching issue with AVD. If you have encountered the same issue check out this blogpost.
Azure Virtual Desktop and AzureAD joined VM
Tommy Kneetz wrote a blogpost about AVD and the new AADJoin feature. In this blogpost he goes through the entire setup.

AVD Client Insider update
This week the next update for the AVD client was released to the insider ring. Check the link belwo to see all update to version 1.2.2677.

AVD Autoscaling bicep script
Freek Berson shared a bicep script to automate the Autoscaling feature from AVD. If you want to automate the entire deployment of AVD this is a great script. Great work Freek.

AVD TechFest 2021 winter Edition
Next thursday the 18th Simon and Patrick are organising the biggest AVD event of the year. If you haven’t registered yet do it now! A full day of sessions about AVD and Windows 365.
That’s if for this week. Have a nice weekend and see you at the AVD Techfest and the next blogpost.