Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week. The 3rd of november 2021. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Empowering AVD Image deployments with Azure Pipelines, Bicep and Liquit!
Freek Berson shared a blogpost about deploying AVD and applications using Bicep and Liquit. A webinar is coming about this topic.
Mastering Azure Virtual Desktop (WVD – Advanced Training)
Mahmoud A. Atallah shared the news that he created a course that is published on Udemy. If you need help with passing the AZ-140, go and follow the course.
Open jobs AVD and Windows 365
Denis Gundarev posted on twitter that Microsoft has open positions in the AVD and Windows 365 teams. If you are interested, contact Denis.

AVD TechFest Amsterdam
Yesterday the AVd TechFest took place completely virtal. during the opening session Patrick and Simon announced the next edtion. It will be in person next year in Amsterdam. I’m looking forward to it.
That’s all for this week, Enjoy the weekend and until next week.