Hi All,
First of all a happy new year to all of you. Hopefully 2021 will be better year than 2020 but for WVD it has been a awesome year. I can’t wait to see what the engineering team will give us in 2021.
Also thanks for everybody following my blog every week.
New version of Nerdio Manager for WVD v2.7.0
Nerdio released a new version of the popular Nerdio Manager for WVD with some really cool features for example Scripted Actions and MSIX package creation

Handle failed session host and users in a wvd environment
Marcel Meurer is working on a cool feature for the WVDAdmin tool

Azure Academy looking forward to 2021
Dean Cefola posted a video for what is to come in 2021. Can’t wait for the new content.
Connect to Windows Virtual Desktop WVD with a Raspberry Pi and Stratodesk
Travis Roberts recorded a very nice video on how to connect to Windows Virtual Desktop using a Raspberry Pi and Stratodesk. A very cool video.
WVD User Groups January events
A couple of user groups announced their january meetups.
That’s all for today, see you next week!