Hi all,
Here we are again with the latest WVD news.
AMD (NvV4-series) and Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)
Thomas Poppelgaard has written a very extensive blogpost about the Nv4V4 series and how you can use it in coöperation with WVD.

AZ-140 Study Guide Azure Academy
Dean Cefola has released his new episode on the AZ-10 study guide.
Citrix Cloud + WVD deployment
Amal Abraham released a new blog where he describes on how to deploy WVD using the Citrix Cloud.

CIF Talks: Defining your remote working strategy
Join Tom Hickling on this live panel hosted by the Cloud Industry Forum.
How to keep control over your Windows Virtual Desktop Insights logs and costs
Yannick Dils has shared another blogpost. This time he’s covering the topic of how to keep your log analytics cost from WVD under control.

WVDAdmin updated with Screen Capture Protection
Marcel Meurer was a guest on the GERWVDUG this week. He showed thisnew feature of the WVDAdmin tool. It’s available with the new version of the tool.
WVD Promo video from Wortell
If you want to organise a WVD workshop, look at this promo video of Wortell and Freek Berson.
WVD Advanced Specialization
Cloud Direct has announced that it went throught the extensive WVD audit and that have passed it earning them this advanced specialization. Well done!

HP Thin Client for WVD GA
Raja Bhadury shared a post that users can now use the HP ThinPro OS devices to connect with WVD. This gives the users more choises of what device they choose to connect with the WVD service.

MSIX Modern Packaging – Part 5
Mattias Melkersen has released another MSIX blogpost. In this blogpost he’s distributing an MSIX package via MEM.
Compare the WVD clients
If you want to compare both WVD clients than check out this link where all the features of both clients are listed.
Understanding hybrid Azure AD join and co-management
If you want to have a good understanding of what Hybrid AD Join and co-management is than this post is for you.
VDI Like a Pro survey
It’s the last day to fill in the VDI Like Pro survey. Christiaan alrady shared a post of how many people filled in the survey. Let’s do our best and get to 2000 participants!
Thanks for reading this week’s blogpost and I’ll see you next week. Have a nice weekend.