Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week, the 2nd of January 2023. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Azure Virtual Desktop x Shutdown and deallocate Session host at logoff
In Azure it’s very important to reduce your cost if you can. This is also the case with AVD. In this blog post the AVDPunks explain how you can reduce the cost with personal host.
![This image shows the deallocation workflow](https://avdpunks.com/assets/img/2023-01-06/2023-01-06-001.png)
End of Windows 7 support
Tom Hickling announced that the Windows 7 extended Security update program has reached end of support this week. If you still run Windows 7 you need to upgrade.
Want to join Nerdio?
If your looking for a job in the DaaS/VDI space, check out the open jobs @ Nerdio. They have alot of job openings.
AVD live event in Belgium
If you are looking to join a live community event in Belgium for AVD, come and join us next thursday. The first live event of the Belgium Azure Virtual Desktop User Group.
MSIX App attach for AVD/Citrix DaaS
Mahammad has created another video about AVD. This time he talks about MSIX App Attach. He explains all you need to know about this feature.
That’s all the news for this week. Enjoy the weekend and see you next week.