Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week, the last of september 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
New AVD client
Microsoft released another version of the AVD client. This time it’s a version for the Insiders ring. Version 1.2.3573 includes a feature for windows 7 users.
Nerdio Manager for Enterprise
Nerdio released the version 4.3 with alot new features like Personal host pool auto-shrink and alot more. Check the link below for all info.
Display settings AVD
Daniel Weppeler has shared a nice tip on Twitter this week. He shows us how you can change the display settings for your full desktop.
Public Preview: Single sign-on and passwordless authentication for Azure Virtual Desktop
David Belanger announced this week that this feature has been put in public preview. Read about it via the link below.
Group costs by host pool with Cost Management now in Public Preview for Azure Virtual Desktop
Killian McCoy announced this very nice feature for AVd. You can use a tag to group your costs per host pool.
Change How You Look At Cost Management
Dean Cefola created a new video about the new feature for Cost Management feature that was released. Nice job Dean!
This concludes this week avd update, have a nice weekend!