Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week, the last one of August 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Insider Preview: Single sign-on and passwordless authentication for Azure Virtual Desktop
One of the most anticipated feature for AVD is in Insider Preview. You can try it out right now if you are using Insider builds of Windows 11 22H2.

The Feature EVERY AVD Admin Has Been Waiting For…
With the announcement of single Sign-on and passwordless authentication, we get a new video of the Azure Academy. Dean explains the new feature perfectly.
How to support Microsoft 365 apps on multi-session OS from 2025?
The AVD Punks tell us more about using Microsoft 365 apps on AVD and on Multi-session OS. If you want to combine these 2, check this blogpost.

Raymond Zaagsma has written a blogpost explaining how to enable the new AVD feature for Sigle sign-on.

Azure Virtual Desktop – You can enable single sign-on and password less for AVD (preview)
Benoit Hamet has written a blogpost on how to enable the new Single sign-on feature for AVD.

RDP Shortpath for public networks in Azure Virtual Desktop
Microsoft has revealed that RDP shortpath on public networks will be available next month. It will go Ga on the 6th of september.

IMS Payroll not opening as a published application in Azure Virtual Desktop
Luke Murray has written a blogpost about an application that didn’t work anymore on AVd . He explains the steps he took to get it back to work.

New AVD client update
Another AVD remote client update has been released for the insider’s ring. Among the updates is improved client logging.

That’s it for this week’s avd update. See you next week.