Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week, the last one of July 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Automatically add or change Azure Active Directory computer objects on-demand
Marcel Meurer has written a script to modify the sync rate from ADConnect. This is standard 30 minutes. This can be very helpfull when deploying new session hosts.

AVD on Azure Stack HCI – Part 1 – Overview
Lisa Clark from Dell shared a new series that Dell is starting around AVD and Azure Stack HCI. In the first part they explain the solution.
Enroll AVD session host with Trusted Launch automated
Sander Rozemuller has written a blogpost about automating the deployment of session host with Trusted Launch using the REST API and the Az.Avd powershell module.

FromTheRoKToTheCloud: Season 3 Episode 5
In this episode Jason Watson is joined by Ellen Kirby to talk about AVD on Azure Stack HCI. If you want to know more about this, watch the video.
AVD TechFest 2022 Speakers
Simon and Patrick announced some speakers for the upcoming AVD TechFect on septemter first. The first speakers are Shabaz and Marcel.
That’s all for this week. Enjoy the weekend!