After a break of 1 week because of vacation I’m back with the latest AVD news. This week we have an overload with all the announcement at Microsoft Inspire 2021.
AVD Automation Cocktail – AVD automated with REST API
Sander Rozemuller cocktail was open again this week and the cocktail of the week was AVD with the REST API.

How to resolve Azure Image Builder issue “Internal error occurred”
Yannick Dils wrote another blogpost about the AIB service. If you had the internal error occured also check out he’s blog to fix the issue.

AVD and Azure Active Directory Domain Join Public Preview
Tom Hickling wrote a blogpost about the most anticipated feature for AVD. The AAD join function is finally in public preview and Tom explains how to set it up. Great job Tom.
AVD Remote App streaming
Another feature that Microsoft released this week is the RemoteApp streaming. This weill helpa lot of customer and is availbale with monthly per-user pricing.
Microsoft Inspire 2021 updates
Tom Hickling shared the updates for AVD from Inspire 2021 and this is a massive list. Can’t wait to see what’s next for this awesome service.

FSLogix 2015 GA
The next version of FSLogix is now GA. It brings alot of improvements that will the improve the users experience.

PUBLIC PREVIEW: Announcing public preview of Azure AD joined VMs
During Microsoft Inspire 2021 this week they announced the public preview of this most anticipated feature for AVD. Go and check out the official link of the announcement.
Media optimization for Microsoft Teams now part of Win10 Enterprise multi-session + M365 Apps Images
During Inspire 2021 is was announced that Teams and the Teams Media Optimization is included in the Marketplace image. This will spare us a step n the creation of the image.

Introducing a new era of hybrid personal computing: the Windows 365 Cloud PC
During the first day of Microsoft Inspire they announced the Cloud PC. With this service you will get a personal device on any device at any time. This is the next evolution for the cloud pc.
Windows 365, your Cloud PC | What it is, how it works, and how to set it up
During an episode of Microsoft Mechanics Scott Manchester tell’s us more about the service and a demonstration.
How to Add Azure Virtual Desktop Session Host to Azure AD Join Guide WVD AVD
Anoop Nair created a blog about the new AAD join feature of AVD. If you want to know ho wit works check out the blogpost.
Windows365 – What we know so far
Ryan Mangan decided to create a blogpost about this feature. He’ll go over the prereqs a,d tell you everything you need to know about it.

Windows 365 – The evolution of Azure Virtual Desktop?
With the announcement of Windows365, Patrick Köhler decied to write a blogpost about it. If you want more info about the service check out he’s blog.
Ultimate Windows365 Cloud PC vs Azure Virtual Desktop Cheat Sheet
If you want to know the differences between the 2 services than this cheat sheet is for you. Big Thank you to Vadim to create this.
Hydra and WVDAdmin updates
After the announcedment of AAD join Marcel Meurer integrated these features in he’s community tools. He also added Canada and the UK Metadata locations to WVDAdmin.
Its Time To Go All Cloud | Azure AD Join!
After the announement Dean Cefola created he’s video about the new AAD join AVD feature. Very nice work Dean.
Episode 6 – AVD Zero to Hero: Creating & Managing your Windows 10 Images
Shabaz Dar and Simon Lee released the new video in their AVD series. An episode you don’t want to miss.
Windows 365 Demo
For everyone who wants to demo the new Windows 365 to its customers, use this FREE demo.
Azure Virtual Desktop with Azure AD Join
Another blogpost about the new AAD join feature is from Mahammad Kubaib. He explains how to deploy a hostpool and a session hosts with AAD join.
Nerdio Manager for AVD version 3.0
I end this blogpost with news from Nerdio. They released the new version of the popular Nerdio Manager for AVD or Nerdio Manager for Enterprise.
That’s it for this week, enjoy reading all the blogs and enjoy the weekend. See you next week.