Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week, the 1st of July 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Microsoft Teams Give and Take Control is now generally available on Azure Virtual Desktop
Microsoft announced the GA for the Give and Take control options in Teams on AVD. With this option a meeting participant can take control of the presenters shared content.
How to Auto-Launch AVD on a Windows 10/11 Machine
Tony Cai has written a blogpost where he explains us how to make your AVD desktop start when a user sign on to Windows. This is really nice Tony!
Public Preview: Intune user configuration for Windows 11 multi-session VMs
Microsoft announced the release of Intune user configuration of multi-session vm’s. You will need intune 2206 release for this. See the link below for more info.

Microsoft Teams media optimizations is now Generally Available on Azure Virtual Desktop for macOS
Another announced from Microsoft this week for Teams. The media optimizations for masOS are now GA. A great adition sofr AVD and Teams on macOS.
Installing Nvidia GRID Drivers on NCasT4_v3-series VMs
Toby Skerritt has written a very nice blog about an issue with the above azure vm sku. He describes the process he needed to be able to use the GPU of that machine. Nice post! Nerdio is already planning this in the next release.
NerdioCon 2023
Natasha Boyko announced the launched of the new NerdioCon website for 2023. It will be in Cancun again. Stay tuned for more updates.
That’s it for this week, enjoy the weekend!