Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week, the 3rd of June 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Feedback opportunity: Onboarding / doing a POC with Azure Virtual Desktop
If you are using the AVd Getting started feature in the web portal and want to provide feedback to the product group, the following form is for you. You can give anonymous feedback that can be very valuable for the product group.

Azure Virtual Desktop x Location redirection #WhereAmI
The AVD Punks have released another AVD blogpost. This time there showing us how to enable Windows Location Service for AVD.

Configuring Apps on a Session Host in Azure Virtual Desktop
Shabaz Darr released he’s newest AVD course. In this course he covers how to deploy apps on AVD Session hosts.

New AVD client version
This week Microsoft released version 1.2.3313 to the insider’s ring. As always this update brings alot of improvements.

Announcing the public preview of the Azure Virtual Desktop metadata service in Australia.
Tom Hickling shared the news that the customers in australia can start testing the new metadata location for AVD in their country. This is the next step from Microsoft to make the metadate from AVD globally available.

That’s all the news for this week, enjoy the weekend!