Hi All,
Welcome for the next AVD news of the week. Of course we have some nice announcements from Microsoft and from the community this week.
Announcing public preview of Azure Virtual Desktop service metadata storage in Canada
After the announcement of the public preview for the AVD metadate for the UK, Microsoft is now announcing the public preview for the AVD metadata for Canada. This will help alot of customers.

New version of the Windows Desktop client
Version 1.2.2130 has been released for all users. The biggest change of course is the name change to AVD.

Azure Image Builder goes GA
This time it’s for real, The Azure Image Builder is generally available. For all companies using this technology to streamline their image management this is great news.
AVD Azure AD Dynamic Device Group for Windows 10 Multi-Session | Enterprise for Virtual Desktops
Anoop Nair has created another blogpost for AVD and AAD. This time he create dynamic AAD Group that target Multi session AVD hosts.
How to create a Windows Server 2022 (AVD) image with Azure Image Builder and deploy it to Azure Virtual Desktop
Yannick Dils created another great blogpost about the Azure Image Builder and AVD. He explains how to build an AVD image from server 2022 image. Great work Yannick.

Build Azure Virtual Desktop The Easy Way
Dean Cefola created a video where he explains the new public preview for the Quickstart. A Must watch if you want to learn this feature.
AVD Hydra update
Marcel Meurer released another update to he’s new Hydra tool for AVD. Hydra now supports deployment tag automaticly tag created resources on per host pool level. Great work Marcel!
Amount of Concurrent Logons for Windows
Pieter Wigleven posted a tweet mentioning an update that was released for Windows 10 Enterprise Multi Session. Go and check windows update and find this update to increase the amount of concurrent logons
This was it for this week, enjoy the weekend and until next friday!