Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week. The 3nd one of 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
AVD Health Checks using Azure Portal | Monitoring | KQL Queries
Anoop Nair has written an excellent blogpost where he shows us how you can perform AVD health checks from inside the Azure portal.
Get alerted if Azure Virtual Desktop fails – AVD Monitoring and alerting with Loganalytics / Azure Monitor
Marcel Meurer wrote a blogpost in wich he shows us how to configure AVD monitoring using the Azure portal and log analytics.

They Don’t Want You To Know Azure Security
Dean Cefola has recorded an awesome video to tell us everything you need to know about AVD security best practices. A must watch.
Comparing Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365
Microsoft has released a docs page where in comares the features of AVD and windows 365. This will help alot of people to decide wich service is the best fit for them.

Mindmap for Managing Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Part 2
Aresh Sarkari has created a mindmap for AVD where you can look at all the steps needed to do for managing AVD or created the automation.

AVD TechFest Call for Speakers
Simon and Patrick are still looking for speakers for the upcoming AVD TechFest in Amsterdam. This time they are also looking for sessions about Citrix and VMware. Go and submit your session using the link below.

That’s it for the this week, enjoy the weekend!