Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week. The 2nd one of 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
New version of the Windows Desktop client
Microsoft released a new version of the AVD client for the insiders ring. If you have the issues that are fixed in this version , check out this version.
AVD Masterclass
On the 25th Microsoft is hosting another AVD Masterclass.If you want to learn more about AVD from industry experts, you need to register for this event. You can also with some nice prices.
Secure and optimize AVD and CloudPC using Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Sander Rozemuller wrote another automation blog for AVD and CloudPc. This time he shows us how to automate the security and optimization using MEM.

Azure Virtual Desktop (#AVD) x Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (#PIM)
Ben Martin Baur has written an excellent blogpost in wich he goes through enabling Azure PIM for the AVD AAD roles. This is a great way of adding more security to your AVD environment.
Manage Azure Virtual Desktop with Nerdio – Update Nerdio
I wrote another blog in my Nerdio series. This time I’m covering the updating part of Nerdio. If you want ot know how it works go and check out my blog.

100% Cloud Is Almost Here!!!
In this video Dean Cefola covers the new Kerberos Realm in Azure AD. He shows us how it works and why we want it for AVD.
Open PM position on the AVD team
Kam Vedbrat announced on Linkedin that Microsoft is looking for another Senior PM to join the AVD team. If you want to help shape the future of AVD maybe this job is for you.

Azure Trusted Launch and Custom Images – even for AVD
Marcel Meurer has written a nice blogpost about AVD and trusted launch machines. He found an experimental workaround because you can’t use custom images.

That’s all the news for this week, enjoy the weekend and see you next friday.