Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week. The second of december 2021. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Azure Virtual Desktop Master Class
Microsoft announced a new AVD Masterclass this week. The masterclass will be held on the 25th of january with speakers from Microsoft like Kam Vedbrat.
How to configure automatic Azure Virtual Desktop scaling
Marius Sandbu has written a blogpost in wich he explains how you can configure AVD scaling with Start VM on Connect and scaling plans.
How to Make Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Deployment More Resilient for Disaster Recovery Considerations
Vadim, the CEO of Nerdio has written a blogpost explaining us the different aspects of a AVD DR scenario. If you want help designing your AVD DR this post if a great help.

AVD TechFest Empowering AVD Image deployments with Azure Pipelines and Liquit!
Freek Berson and Liquit organised a webinar about AVD, Bicep and Liquit. If you missed it you can rewatch the recording.
Test MSIX and AVD
For the french speaking people, Jean-Loup Orgitello wrote a nice post about getting staring staring with MSIX and AVD.
New version AVD client
Microsoft released a new version of the AVD client. The old version has an issue with the subscribe with URL feature. If you have the problem with subscribing than update your avd client.

That’s it for this week, enjoy the weekend!