Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Announcing General Availability of Azure AD-joined VMs support
David Belanger from Microsoft has announced that the support for AAD joined machines has gone GA. Do remember that it doesn’t yet work with FSLogix. Anyway a great step for AVD.
Windows 11 and Azure Virtual Desktop
Dean Cefola has created a video explaining how to deploy an Windows 11 session host now that it’s in preview. Go and watch the video!
New AVD client insider version
This week the next version 1.2.2453 was released to the insider ring with some fixes.

FIX: AVD Azure AD Joined VM Login Issue with Error Code 0x9735
Anoop Nair wrote another blogpost with some insights about the error code 0x9735 that you might get with AAD join feature. Nice work Anoop!
Using a security key with Azure Virtual Desktop
I recently won a Feitian security key with the Azure Academy giveaway. In this blog I show you how to set it up to use with AVD.

AVD Techfest new speakers
Simon and Patrick announced some new speakers for this awesome event. Marcel Meurer will show he’s community tools. Anoop Nair will talk about securing Windows 365 workloads. Trent Deroche will teach us how to secure CloudPC with Azure Sentinel.
Update to the AVD cost calculator
Sourav Mitra announced a nice change on the AVD cost calculator. It now automatically includes a Storage section with both managed (OS) disk, (FSlogix) storage and bandwidth.
New version of Az.avd powershell module
Sander Rozemuller has released a new version of the powershell module he created. He added 2 new commands “Update-AvdSessionHost and Create-AvdVmTemplate”. Great job Sander.

That’s it for this week. Enjoy your weekend and until next week.