AVD news of the week

Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week. The 4th of 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.

Deep dive: How Azure AD Kerberos works

Sonia Cuff has written an excellent article where she explains the new Azure AD Kerberos. If you want to use FSLogix and Azure AD this is a must read.


Updates to the Azure Pricing Calculator for Azure Virtual Desktop

Because of the feedback Microsoft received they made some updates to the Pricing Calculator for AVD. You can review all the changes via the below link.


Monitor FSLogix file share usage on Azure Files

Sander Rozemuller has written a blogpost where he explains how you can monitor your FSLogix share on Azure Files using Insights and the REST API.

MSIX app attach Packaging Flow Chart

Ryan Mangan has written a blogpost about a MSIX flowchart he created. This is very useful is you want to know the flow you need to follow to create MSIX packages.

MSIX app attach Packaging Flow Chart – Ryan Mangan’s IT Blog (ryanmangansitblog.com)

Are You Protecting Your Screen

Dean Cefola has created another AVD video. This time he explains the Screen Protection function for AVD.

The FSLogix 2201 Public Preview is now available

Microsoft announced that the new version for FSLogix is out. Remember not to use it for production workloads.


AVD Utilization Dashboard CPU Daily Connected Hours Top 10 Users Hosts

Anoop has created yet another great AVD blog. In his latest blog he covers the AVD diagnostic options.

AVD Utilization Dashboard CPU Daily Connected Hours Top 10 Users Hosts

New version of the AVD client

Microsoft released the latest version of the AVD client to the public ring. Again we have alot of improvements so be sure to update your version.


AVD Applications

Katy Nicholson has written an excellent blog covering the applications side for AVD. She explains how you setup MSIX App Attach throught the Azure Portal.

Screenshot of Application Group's Add Application screen, showing we have selected MSIX package Notepad++

MSIX Packaging Tool January 2022 Release is now available!

Microsoft released the next version of the MSIX Packaging tool. As usual you can download it from the store of offline download.

MSIX Packaging Tool January 2022 Release is now available! – Microsoft Tech Community

Azure Virtual Desktop security best practices – Part 1 and Part 2

Mahmoud Atallah has created 2 video’s where he goes through the best practices for AVD. An important is Conditional access for AVD.

Debugging Azure Virtual Desktop errors/issues with an interactive Workbook

Marcel Meurer wrote a blogpost about a workbook he created to debug the logs for AVD hostpools. Nice work Marcel.


That’s all the AVD news for this week. Enjoy the weekend!

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