WVD news of the week

As usual I’m gathering the latest wvd news of the week in this blog post. 1: The biggest news of course this week is the GA of the Spring release. More info about this can be found here 2: Remote Desktop client for Android now supports Windows Virtual Desktop connections. Check out the news here…

WVD news of the week

Another blog post with the weekly updates for wvd. The first wvd news was an update for the MSIX packaging tool version July 2020 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/msix-blog/msix-packaging-tool-july-2020-release-is-now-available/ba-p/1538871 The second update is the WVD FAQ page. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/faq#does-windows-virtual-desktop-support-split-azure-active-directory-models The third update is about scaling your wvd session host using Aure Automation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/set-up-scaling-script

WVD news of the week

We had a couple of great announcement for WVD the past week. Here is a list to summarize them with the links to all the info. 1: The biggest change will be that you can now subscribe to workspaces with multiple useraccounts. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/remote/remote-desktop-services/clients/windowsdesktop-whatsnew 2: A very big topic is securing your wvd and Conditional access…

Passed MS-101

I took the MS-101 exam today and thought i write about my experience with a proctored exam. Last year in september i did the MS-100 exam so it was about time i did the MS-101 exam. I scheduled it for today in the afternoon when i could be alone at home. Yesterday evening i did…

Windows Virtual Desktop Resources

If you’re interested in starting to learn about WVD and want some cool resources, check the following links. The new Microsoft Learn modules for WVD are online https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/paths/m365-wvd/ If you want to learn more about building an WVD Windows 10 Multi Session Master Image check out the following post. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-virtual-desktop/building-a-windows-10-enterprise-multi-session-master-image-with/m-p/1503913 Have fun reading it.

WVD outlook issue

I decided to dedicate my first blog to WVD. I have been doing a migration from Citrix to WVD for a customer and we during testing we came across an issue with outlook. As soon as they opened Outlook, they saw that Outlook required a password in order to synchronize with Exchange online. They didn’t…