Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week, the first one of May 2022. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Make Azure Virtual Desktop Work For You
Dean Cefola created a new video about AVD and agent updates. he explains us how they work with the new preview.
Intune Support for Multi-Session Windows Server OS Version | AVD Workloads
In this blogpost Anoop explains us everything you need to know about the recently released feature for MEM and Multisession AVD machines.
AVD Deep Insights workbook update
Marcel Meurer shared on Twitter that he updated he’s workbook to show more data about the login timing: Additionally, to the per-user view you can now see the average login timing per day.
MSIX – Create Desktop Shortcuts with Package Support Framework and PowerShell
Microsoft released a blog where they explain how you add desktop shortcuts to your MSIX packaged applications. There is no buil-in support in the MSIX packaging tool so this is very useful.
Configure Azure Virtual Desktop with Terraform
Tom Archer and Jen Sheerin from Microsoft have written an excellent Microsoft doc page about deploying AVD with Terraform. Nice job you both!
What is new in Azure Virtual Desktop for April 2022
Microsoft released the list of features that was released in April 2022. Last month we had alot of features that were released. Go and check them all out.
New version for the AVD client
Microsoft released Version 1.2.3128 of the AVD client for all users this week. Again alot of updates so make sue you are using the latest version.

That’s all the latest news. Enjoy the weekend and until next friday!