Hello and welcome to another avd news of the week. As usual I gathered the latest news from Microsoft and the community so let’s get started.
Another Reason Why The AVD Session Hosts Are Failing To Load FSLogix User Profiles
Shehan Perera has written a blogpost about a issue he encountered with AVD and the FSLogix file share. In this post he describes all the steps he did to fix the issue.
Using VM templates for AVD sessionhost automation
In his latest blogpost Sander Rozemuller tells you everything you need to know about vm templates with AVD
Shabaz Darr Nerdio Series
Shabaz started a series about Nerdio for AVD. If you want to learn more about it follow shabaz and watch his videos. The first 2 videso are out on his Youtube Channel.
Azure Academy Nerdio Video
Dean decided to make a video about the Nedrio Manager for AVD. He gives you a detailed look into the solution and why you should use it to save costs. Nice work Dean.
That’s it for this week, enjoy the weekend and see you next friday.