AVD news of the week

The summer vacation is almost over and so this is the last avd newsletter for august. As usual I gathered all the latest avd news from Microsoft and from the avd community.

How to deploy Windows 11 in an AVD environment

Windows 11 was released for AVD last week and Sander Rozemuller already has a blog about it. He describes how you can use windows 11 in a AVD hostpool.


Hydra Updates

Marcel Meurer just keeps on adding cool stuff to he’s community AVD tools. Go and check out the link below for those who haven’t used the tools.

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Improve Video Streaming Quality | Azure Virtual Desktop

Now that Multimedia Redicrection is in preview Dean Cefola created a video about it. If you want know how it works i highly recommend that you watch it.

Enable Azure Virtual Desktop Email feed discovery

Mr T-Bone has written a blogpost where he explains how you can make it easier for your users to subscribe to their AVD workspace. It can prevent alot of frustration.

Manage Azure Virtual Desktop with Endpoint Manager (Intune)

Andrew Morpeth has written a blogpost about AVD and how to manage it with Intune (MEM). Go and check if out if you want to get started with it.


Auto shutdown AVD Personal Host Pools

Stephan van de Kruis has written a blogpost where he explains how you can automate the deallocation of unused session hosts for personal hostpools.


Workplace Ninja Summit AVD Sessions

Next week the next virtual edition of the Workplace Ninja Summit is taking place with a couple of alot about AVD. Go and register for this awesome event. Workplace Ninja Virtual Edition 2021 – Workplace Ninja’s (wpninjas.ch)


There you go, you are up to date with all the latest AVD news. Now enjoy the weekend!

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